Lingering Melodies and Endless Roads

Life has an expiration date and in between there are a few moments that we share and cherish with a handful of friends and family. Some food, drinks and  a few tall tales of our mundane achievements  leaving behind so very little  traces of our existences that a carving of initials in a tree could be our most substactial contributions to posterity, that and the ripples we create with the shape of our double helix.

We know about the "end of the trip blues" some feel it more than others and some can make a habit of it and  wear it with pride. We punish ourselves with Piazzola, we look at old photos and we long for the days of endless horizons and music.
We just returned from a very special trip to see my friend Luke.. After many failed attempts, I  visited my friend in NSW, who  I haven't seen for 7 years. I enjoyed his hospitality and befriended his family who wholeheartedely welcomed us.

While travelling north along  the Hume highway we had fog for 6 hours. Fog  adds nothing to the experience when you are in it. looks nice in pictures, but it is a pain to drive through.
During the trip I listened to old music and some newly discovered bands  like the Devics (thanks chewing on roasted almond to stay awake I endured the night drive to arrive to Goalburn at 10am, getting petrol and a sandwich was a nice reprieved after the night drive.


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